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Intolerance Testing


Do you suffer from the following?


Headaches, nausea, bloating, stomach cramps, diarrhoea, constipation, fatigue, skin disorders, brain fog or lethargy.


We offer the most comprehensive allergy tests available. Using the latest bio technology, our safe and non-invasive procedure uses a single sample of your hair to run the tests. After producing a sample of your hair and making a payment, we will email you your test results as soon as they are available (usually between 7-10 days).


Often the skin conditions we think are caused by more serious underlying problems are easily rectified with a change in diet. Many of our clients have achieved fantastic results for their skin by having the Intolerance and Nutrition tests and making small changes as a consequence.
























We currently have three tests that each benefit you in a different way:


Typically we suggest that the Intolerance and Nutrition test are taken together as it provides a more comprehensive list that could benefit you the most. Combining all 3 tests, however, will provide you with the most information to make the necessary small changes in your life. 



Intolerance Test 


Testing your sample against 600 different food and non-food items to see what could be causing you issues.

Your results will have a comprehensive report of the items of food and non-food that you are intolerant to, as well as where they are most commonly found.


Once you have received your test, we suggest that you try and eliminate the food items that are shown on your results. It is recommended that you try to eliminate the items for at least 2 weeks, but preferably 4. Try to eliminate them all at the same time, understandably this could be a daunting task, but it will allow you to see results fast. After the 4 weeks, you should try and add the items back into your diet one by one. Adding them back in one by one is essential as intolerances don't always show symptoms straight away - it could be a few hours before you see any symptoms. We suggest that you keep a diary. Most of the time an intolerance will disappear but there are occasions when your body simply won’t want to accept something back into the body and so this will become a lifetime intolerance. Although this may seem difficult to deal with, it is something that you will get used to fairly quickly, especially if you aren’t suffering the associated symptoms anymore.


Nutritional Deficiency Test 


We test your sample to find out what you’re lacking in out of a list of 80 nutrients. We do this by reversing the test to see what you are lacking out of a list of 80 nutrients.

We only show the nutrients that are likely to be causing you the most issues in your life. The nutrients that are shown as deficient in your system can easily be improved. Simply try and add in one or two of the recommended food items to your diet each day. Although it may be easier to use a vitamin supplement, it is always better to get your nutrients from a fresh source, as this will enter your body much faster.


Metal Toxicity Test


Testing against 24 different metals of which you could be consuming or living near and might be causing you irritation. After more than 12 months of development, we are pleased to say that we can offer the Metal Toxicity test at our clinic. We are all aware that what we eat and drink contains a certain amount of metal contamination. Metals can have a large effect on our daily lives, and we often don’t realise how much we are consuming/ allowing ourselves to come into contact with.


Click here to see the full list of metals and their symptoms.





Intolerance and Nutrition Test                                           £95 

Intolerance, Nutrition and Metal Toxicity Test              £150


Both tests include a free consultation to discuss your report, support on your journey and nutritional tips!



Click here to order your test today!





★★★★★ 5/5

"After many years of not knowing what is causing my allergies I have received a very detailed report that pinpoint food allergies, metal allergies and environmental allergies. Amazing! A life changing treatment. Thank you Bodhizen"

-Joe-Anne, Staffordshire.


★★★★★ 5/5

"I had an Intolerance test done for my daughter who suffers with terrible Asthma.  I provided the sample and the results were back in 7 days, I was absolutely dumbfounded at amount of stuff my daughter was intolerant to and instantly went in to crazy mom panic mode, Amy and Zoe instantly reassured me that my daughter's condition could be managed if changes were put in place and reassured me not to panic.

Any questions or concerns I've had have been dealt with in professional manner. Zoe and the team at BodhiZen have given me more help and support than I have ever had from my team of doctors who I've been fighting with for years with regards to my daughter.

 I've implemented changes to my daughters diet and I can already see a vast improvement in her health in a few short weeks.  I can't recommend BodhiZen highly enough, wonderful people, wonderful place and a wonderful help.  Thank you so much for everything you've helped me with so far and are continuing to help me with."

- Jainy Pedley, Staffordshire


Aluminium (AL)

This is the third most common metal on earth and one of the most toxic. It has incredibly low density and is able to resist corrosion. It is soft, durable and lightweight and is silver/dull grey.

It is commonly found in most water (except filtered and bottled). Very low levels can be found in plants, cereals, fruits and vegetables due to high concentrations in the ground; however there is none found in herbs, spices and teas. It is quite common in dough’s and processed cheese.

It is common in everyday items like transport, household products, packaging and lighting. It is used in some antiperspirants and many over the counter medications contain quite high levels of aluminium.

Symptoms of aluminium toxicity can include memory loss, learning difficulty, loss of coordination, disorientation, mental confusion, disturbed sleep, colic, heartburn, flatulence, and headaches. Studies are still continuing about its possible link with Alzheimer’s.

Arsenic (As)


Arsenic appears in many minerals and is a metallic grey colour in its raw form. It is used in pesticides, wood products, and is notoriously poisonous.

Symptoms of arsenic poisoning can cause headaches, confusion, severe diarrhoea and drowsiness. In intense exposure, it can cause death.

Antimony (Sb)


This is a shiny grey metal and is extremely flame retardant. It is often used in cosmetics, army supplies and in cables.

Symptoms of antimony poisoning can cause headaches, nausea, dizziness and depression. Large doses cause vomiting, diarrhoea, abdominal discomfort and tingling of the extremities.

Beryllium (Be)


This is a divalent element which naturally occurs when used in combination with other elements in minerals. It has a high melting point and a higher elasticity than steel. It is commonly found in x-ray machines, vehicle electronics and also used in aircraft, missiles, spacecraft and satellites.

Symptoms of beryllium toxicity include conjunctivitis, skin irritation, skin ulcers, nausea, and cough, shortness of breath, sore throat, eye irritation and in severe cases pneumonia.

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Bismuth (Bi)


This is a brittle metal with a silvery white colour when fresh, but gains a pink tinge due to oxidation. It is also slightly radioactive. Bismuth has a low toxicity and is found in cosmetics and pharmaceuticals including Pepto-Bismol.

Symptoms of bismuth toxicity include confusion, decreased appetite, weight loss, weakness, joint pain, skin rash, tremors, diarrhoea and staining on gums.

Chromium (Cr)


Chromium is a steely-grey hard metal with a high melting point. It is mostly used to harden steel and other services to resist corrosion.

All chromium compounds may cause dermatitis and some may cause occupational asthma. They can also cause chrome ulcers which form little holes in the skin.

Copper (Cu)


It is soft and malleable and red/orange in colour. It is a great conductor of heat and electricity. It is often found in many household fittings including electrical wiring, roofing and plumbing.

Symptoms of copper toxicity include headaches, insomnia, fatigue, depression, learning difficulties and skin rashes.

Gold (Au)


This is a very dense metal, shiny and a bright yellow colour. It is often found in jewellery but it is also edible and is used in some foods and drinks.

Symptoms of gold toxicity include headaches, vomiting, dermatitis, jaundice and pneumonitis.

Magnesium (Mg)


This is an alkaline earth metal and is the fourth most common element. It is soluble in water. It is used in fireworks, photographic light bulbs and is often added to missile fuel.

The main symptoms are diarrhoea and nausea.

Mercury (Hg)


It is the only metal that is liquid at room temperature, it is silver in colour. Mercury can be found in many electrical outlets around the home. It is also found in some household medicines and can still be used in some dental fillings. It is present in neon signs and even used in mascara. It can be found in much seafood and some fresh water fish.

Symptoms of mercury toxicity are far and wide as it can affect any area of the body. It can affect the nervous system, the gastro area, the head and neck and even the cardio-vascular system.

Nickel (Ni)


It is hard and ductile and reactive with oxygen. It is silver/white in colour often with a golden tinge.

It is used in many coins and also is often used to make magnets. It is present in some foods including bananas. It is another of the main toxic ingredients in tobacco products. Symptoms of nickel toxicity include skin rash, nausea, headaches, vomiting, chest pain, weakness and coughing.

Silver (Ag)


It has the highest electrical conductivity of any element and is soft with a silver/white colour. It is commonly used in jewellery and can be mixed with mercury and used in fillings. It is used in many photography products and is still used in many household medicinal products.

Symptoms of silver toxicity include headaches, severe joint pain, fatigue, skin irritation, heart palpitations and increased levels of mucus.

Tin (Sn)


It is often classed as a poor metal and is used to coat other metals to prevent corrosion it is silver in colour. It is mainly used in soldering with 52% of all tin being used in this way. It is also used as a coating and in food preservation. It is found in many industrial produced fruit juices.

Symptoms of tin toxicity include cramps, vomiting, diarrhoea, headaches, chills and many gastro issues.

Vanadium (V)


This is a hard silvery grey metal. It is very rarely found on its own as it is chemically combined in nature. It is corrosion resistant. It is used in nuclear applications, rust-resistant springs and high speed tools.Symptoms can include fever, chills, headache, cough, anorexia or ear infection.

Cadmium (Cd)


A very similar metal to zinc and mercury. It is slightly blue/white in colour.

It is commonly found in batteries (mainly rechargeable), electroplating, televisions and paints. There are also large quantities found in food products such as spinach, potatoes, shellfish and offal. It is one of the most toxic ingredients in cigarettes.

Symptoms of cadmium toxicity include fatigue, headaches, vomiting, and anaemia and in more severe cases kidney dysfunction and emphysema.

Cobalt (Co)


It is produced by reductive smelting and is silver/grey on colour. It used to be used as a blue pigment for jewellery but had to be stopped due to the amount of reactions it caused. It can commonly be found in lithium batteries and electroplating.

Symptoms of cobalt toxicity include gastro issues, tinnitus and respiratory diseases.

Dental Amalgam


This is an alloy consisting of mercury (50%), silver (22-32%), tin (14%), copper (8%), and other trace metals. It is used due to its low cost, ease of application, strength and durability.

Symptoms include various chronic breathing disorders, compromised cognitive functions, extreme changes in mood, hallucinations and depression.

Lead (Pb)


It is a soft malleable metal and is dull grey in colour. It is found in paint, ink, batteries, soldering, car fuel and is common in many plants. It is used in many weapons and also in the manufacturing of cars.

Symptoms of lead toxicity include headache, abdominal pain, kidney failure, memory loss and many aspects of weakness and pain especially of the extremities.

Manganese (Mn)


It is often combined with iron and is most commonly used in stainless steels. It can be used to combat rust and corrosion in other metals. It is commonly found in coins as well as in most stainless steel and rust preventative products. Manganese is important to the body and only high exposure is normally an issue for people. Symptoms of Manganese toxicity include anaemia, tremors and stiff muscles.

Molybdenum (Mo)


It gets its name from the Greek word for lead, as the two were often confused. It is extremely hard and metallic in colour. The main use of molybdenum is in the commercial and industrial industries where it plays a large role in manufacturing.

Symptoms can include itchy eyes and coughing, but in chronic exposure it may cause anorexia, diarrhoea and extreme joint pain.

Palladium (Pt)


It is a rare metal and is silver/white in colour. It has many uses including jewellery, dentistry, watches, blood sugar strips and in many aircraft and medical products.

Symptoms of Palladium toxicity include extreme tiredness confusion, sore throat, migraines, and blisters on the body, pain in the teeth and jaw and impairment of the immune system.

Strontium (Sr)


This yellowish metallic element is highly reactive. It is named after Strontian, a village in Scotland where it was first discovered. It is used in cathode ray tubes.

Symptoms begin with a skin rash and progresses to violent flu-like symptoms and an increased white blood cell count. The organs of the liver, kidneys and lungs can be severely damaged if exposure continues.

Titanium (Ti)


It is a very strong element and is known for its corrosion resistance including against sea water.

It is found in most living things including rocks, water and soil. It is used in aircraft, spacecraft and missiles. It is also used in the manufacture of cars, bikes, sports equipment and even spectacles. It is sometimes used in jewellery and medical procedures. It is now being used in dentistry as a teeth replacement product.

Symptoms of titanium toxicity includes eye irritation and eye issues, skin pain, sore throats, vomiting, mouth and nose irritations and shortness of breath.

Zinc (Zn)


Zinc (sometimes known as spelter) is used in paints, rubber production, in photocopying and as a wood preservative. It is also used in televisions and x-rays.

Symptoms include burning sensation, chills, convulsions, rash, shortness of breath and vomiting.

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